Friday, May 23, 2008

A Girl's Best Friend is Her Hand-Held Voice Recorder

Nope, I'm not on the payroll with Olympus or Panasonic. But I still want to take a moment here to sing the praises of one of my favorite writer's contraptions.

Afterall - if one writer finds something helpful, why not share it. Perhaps the info. will help other writers too.

So, I wanted to take just 5 minutes to say HOORAY for my hand-held voice recorder. I'm one of those writers (-- as so many of us are,) who finds that most good plot and characterization ideas hit me when I'm driving home from my day job, or out walking, or off at an event somewhere. So, I used to be one of those poepl who kept a tiny notebook and pencil in my glove compartment. But you know what? It's hard to drive and write at the same time. Plus, it's probably quite hazardous. So one day I decided to take a chance on an electronic voice recorder, and it has revolutionized my life. My little voice recorder (-- certainly not the only one of it's kind on the market, and probably not even the best,) cost me less than $45.00, and it records and categorizes my random writing ideas with just the touch of a button. And as a person who is not technologically brilliant, I was thrilled that it was easy to learn how to use.

My little electronic buddy can store multiple files -- I currently have verbal notes to myself in up to 6 separate, searchable, audio files related to several writing projects that I currently have in the works -- and there's plenty of memory space left for more.

So when I've been struggling about how to word something, and the answer suddenly comes to me while driving down Glenwood Avenue... I just pull the tiny recorder out of my bag, save the thought, and transfer it into my manuscript three hours later when I get home. For a distractable and busy person like me this device keeps me from losing brilliant ideas in the hecticness of the day.

Of course, since it is smaller than a cell phone, the recorder could also come in handy for undercover spywork in Paris, learning what your kids say about you when you're not around, or recording silly things that your boss says in your next meeting, but, uh.... Well, I guess what you do with yours is really up to you.
Suffice to say my little recorder has been a great addition to my writing life, and I suspect that this type of contraption might also be helpful for you.
(Birthday coming up, anyone?)


Janelle said...

Wow guys, clearly I wrote this post a little too late at night. Sorry about all of the run on sentences! Perhaps I should have taped this stuff on my recorder first and listened to it before posting. : ) Hee Hee.

Janelle said...

Wow guys, clearly I wrote this post a little too late at night. Sorry about all of the run on sentences! Perhaps I should have taped this stuff on my recorder first and listened to it before posting. : ) Hee Hee.

Bish Denham said...

This sounds exactly like something I need!